Wednesday, October 10, 2012


For my birthday, my friend Cristina wanted to buy me a session with the Monochord. A woman she knows was administering the class and since the proceeds were going to Breast Cancer I was all for it.  The only problem was I had no idea what a Monochord was. 

After a little more research I learned that the monochord is basically a human-sized guitar that uses its vibrations to heal.  You actually lie down on the table and the practitioner plays the strings underneath you. Leave it to the Germans to invent this device, the perfect combination of music and engineering. 

Courtesy of:
My session lasted about an hour and I actually really enjoyed it. I found the humming sound completely soothing and was able to zone out and reach a semi-meditative state. I felt the vibrations travel through my body during the session and felt energized as I left the table.  Since I'm such a scatterbrain my mind wandered during parts of the session but every time my mind wandered I focused on the humming sound to bring me back to focus.

I don't know if I would jump at the opportunity to lie on the monochord again. In reality I'm more of a massage/yoga kind of girl but hey I'll try anything once. My thought process is anything that aids in healing can't be that bad.

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